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It's All Greek To Me - Greece Guide, Part Four
Congratulations if you've made it to the final part of my Greece series and endured my rambling! We finish off in Athens and I'll warn you now, it'd gunna be a long one, but hold in there especially if you're planning a trip to Greece's capital and want some inspiration.
It's All Greek To Me - Greece Guide, Part Three

A Pathetic Girl's Guide To Glasto

A Guide To Croatia: Split/Hvar

After realising we'd never had a "Girls Holiday" before, me and two friends from home remedied this by booking ourselves a week away to Croatia. I'd heard various friends recommending Croatia and agreeing all we really needed was sun and sea we settled on a week in Split and Hvar. We had an incredible time and learnt some tips to pass on - so if you're thinking of paying a visit read on!
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